Quantitative Methods for Business - VO |
TUGraz-Online Seite: Link
Institut für Maschinenbau- und Betriebsinformatik
Zeitleiste: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Sem. WS SS WS SS WS SS WS SS WS SS WS SS WS SS WS SS WS SS WS SS 200x 201x
LV-Nummer: 374.001
Semesterstunden: 2
Planning Basics
Planning Techniques
Scenario Analysis
Decision Methods
Network/Critical Path Planning, PERT
Optimization: Linear Programming for Decision Makers (Introduction, Models, Simplex Algorithm)
Introduction to Combinatorial Optimization (Traveling Salesperson Problem, Knapsack Problem)
Introduction to Game Theory (Utilities, Dominant Strategies, Nash Equilibrium, Prisoner’s Dilemma)
Time Series Analysis (Relationships (ACF, CCF, PACF), Detrending, linear Models (MA, AR, ARIMA))
Market Timing, Finance Models
System and Business Simulation, Agent-based Simulation
System Dynamics
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| | Stoffzusammenfassung | |
QMB Zusammenfassung im Anki-Karten Format 1 ECs | | Upload am: 04.04.2024, 07:45 | 858,11 kB | 15 Downloads Quantitative Methods for Business VO |
| | | Stoffzusammenfassung SS2021 | | |
Zusammenfassung der "Principles" aus dem Skript. 2 ECs | | Upload am: 06.05.2021, 08:44 | 263,14 kB | 121 Downloads Quantitative Methods for Business VO |
| | | Fragensammlung SS2019 | | |
elaboration of questions according to "important" mentioned topics 5 ECs | | Upload am: 29.03.2019, 08:00 | 895,81 kB | 8 Seiten | 161 Downloads Quantitative Methods for Business VO |
| | | Fragensammlung 21.03.2019 Lösungen Bsp 1-6 | | |
Lösungen zu den Lineare Programmierung Hausübungen 3 ECs | | Upload am: 21.03.2019, 22:24 | 3,17 MB | 3 Seiten | 138 Downloads Quantitative Methods for Business VO |
Statistik |
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