Computational Fluid Dynamics for Compressible Flows - VU |
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| | Hausübung WS2024 | |
Alle Excel Hausuebungen aus CFD for Compressible Fluids WS 2024 3 ECs | | Upload am: 19.01.2025, 23:31 | 271,09 kB | 1 Downloads Computational Fluid Dynamics for Compressible Flows VU |
| | | Hausübung WS2024 | | |
Hausübungen aus Computational Fluid Dynamics for Compressible Flows VU WS2024
Ohne Excel Dateien 3 ECs | | Upload am: 17.01.2025, 11:36 | 9,37 MB | 3 Downloads Computational Fluid Dynamics for Compressible Flows VU |
| | | Klausurangabe SS2023 | | |
Notes from the final talk after handing in the Roe-Solver project. 1 ECs | | Upload am: 21.03.2024, 15:26 | 131,54 kB | 20 Downloads Computational Fluid Dynamics for Compressible Flows VU |
| | | Sonstiges WS2023 | |
Final project including the Roe-Solver that had to be added. According to Prof. Sanz everything should be more or less correct. 2 ECs | | Upload am: 21.03.2024, 15:23 | 3,65 MB | 23 Downloads Computational Fluid Dynamics for Compressible Flows VU |
| | | Hausübung WS2023 | |
Homeworks 5-12. Feedback from Prof. Sanz per Email:
"Ad 6/2: das ADI passt so nicht: d/dx(A*d/dy(B*deltaU))
Ad 6/3: Division durch dx ist falsch, da die deltas nur Differenzen sind
Ad 7/1: h=cp*T= gamma/(gamma-1)*T
Ad 7/2: konnte leider die Rechnung mit Bestimmung von cs nicht sehen
Sonst passt alles"
Unfortunately I can t find homeworks 1-4 anymore, so these are not included. 2 ECs | | Upload am: 21.03.2024, 15:18 | 601,93 kB | 23 Downloads Computational Fluid Dynamics for Compressible Flows VU |
Statistik |
Anzahl der angezeigten Dateien: 5 | Größe der gezeigten Dateien Gesamt: 14,01 MB |