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Data Analysis and Introduction to R - VO
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Institut: AA - Unbekannt
Semesterstunden: 0
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zipKlausurangabe 28.01.2025
Final project WS24 - differs a bit from WS23
1 ECs |
| Upload am: 29.01.2025, 00:22 | 88,26 kB | 2 Downloads
Data Analysis and Introduction to R VO
zipKlausurangabe 30.01.2024
Final project for WS23/24. Includes dataset.
1 ECs |
| Upload am: 08.02.2024, 10:18 | 77,45 kB | 58 Downloads
Data Analysis and Introduction to R VO
pdfHausübung WS2022 Practical 6
Practical 6: 95/100 points

Part 1-3: 15/15
Part 4-6: 25/25
Part 7-9: 25/30 Are the slopes and the intercepts different?
Part 10-12: 30/30
1 ECs |
| Upload am: 20.02.2023, 18:13 | 1,05 MB | 89 Downloads
Data Analysis and Introduction to R VO
zipKlausurangabe WS2022
Final project for WS22/23. Includes dataset.
2 ECs |
| Upload am: 04.02.2023, 21:51 | 75,82 kB | 92 Downloads
Data Analysis and Introduction to R VO
pdfHausübung WS2022
Practical 4: 98/100 points

Part 1: 16/16
Part 2 a-c: 18 /18
Part 2 d-g: 24/24
Part 3 a-c: 18/18
Part 3 d-g: 22/24 predictor height not plotted in part g)
1 ECs |
| Upload am: 16.01.2023, 19:51 | 992,61 kB | 91 Downloads
Data Analysis and Introduction to R VO
pdfHausübung WS2022
Practical 3: 90/100 points

1: 15/15
2: 10/10
3: 13/15. No special remark on the upper bound was given
4: 11/15. flipped H_0 and H_a
5: 11/15. flipped H_0 and H_a
6: 15/15
7: 15/15
1 ECs |
| Upload am: 16.01.2023, 19:49 | 171,81 kB | 73 Downloads
Data Analysis and Introduction to R VO
pdfHausübung WS2022
Practical 2: 92/100 points

1: 20/20
2: 10/15 You should take the some of the number of eyes
3: 15/15
4: 17/20. Wrong P-value
5: 10/10
6: 10/10
7: 10/10
1 ECs |
| Upload am: 16.01.2023, 19:48 | 269,10 kB | 76 Downloads
Data Analysis and Introduction to R VO
Practical 1: 95/100 points

Part 1: 15/15
Part 2: 10/10
Part 3: 15/15
Part 4: 13/15 The graph still indicates that the graphs from before are very close to a normal distribution.
Part 5: 15/15
Part 6: 12/15. The bigger df the better the approximation (maybe try values around 100)
Part 7: 15/15
1 ECs |
| Upload am: 16.01.2023, 19:45 | 216,55 kB | 68 Downloads
Data Analysis and Introduction to R VO
zipKlausurangabe 27.01.2021
Prüfungsangabe mit dem Datenset mpg.dat
1 ECs |
| Upload am: 07.02.2022, 21:51 | 86,05 kB | 88 Downloads
Data Analysis and Introduction to R VO
pdfKlausurangabe 26.01.2022
Prüfungsangabe - das Datenset bekommt man direkt aus R.
1 ECs |
| Upload am: 07.02.2022, 21:43 | 94,57 kB | 121 Downloads
Data Analysis and Introduction to R VO
Anzahl der angezeigten Dateien: 10 | Größe der gezeigten Dateien Gesamt: 3,08 MB
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