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Machine Learning 2 - VO
TUGraz-Online Seite: Link
Institut: AA - Unbekannt
Semesterstunden: 0
Quelle: TUGraz-Online
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pdfPrüfungsfragenausarbeitung SS2023
SS2023 exam preparation generated using GPT 4.0
0 ECs |
| Upload am: 07.07.2024, 17:20 | 367,82 kB | 56 Downloads
Machine Learning 2 VO
zipPrüfungsfragenausarbeitung SS2024 2024 TC questions
Answers for the 2024 questions in the TC as an anki deck (questions in the zip). They were answered using GPT-4 and double checked. Questions which aligned with the ones from 2023 were taken from the egiraffe user >praxis< (big thanks), so i only updated the ones that changed. If anything is incorrect, let me know, so i can update them. That being said, i can not vouch 100 percent but i did my best to check the validity.
2 ECs |
| Upload am: 07.07.2024, 17:11 | 4,46 MB | 41 Downloads
Machine Learning 2 VO
pdfPrüfungsfragenausarbeitung SS2023
Prüfungsfragenausarbeitung auf einer A3/A4-Seite, fertig zum Ausdrucken und mitnehmen zur Prüfung (ein A4-Zettel ist erlaubt)
3 ECs |
| Upload am: 23.07.2023, 12:10 | 3,47 MB | 114 Downloads
Machine Learning 2 VO
pdfFragensammlung SS2023
Fragensammlung vom TC
0 ECs |
| Upload am: 19.07.2023, 18:41 | 186,28 kB | 85 Downloads
Machine Learning 2 VO
pdfPrüfungsfragenausarbeitung SS2023
Handschriftliche Ausarbeitung der Fragen des SS23
4 ECs |
| Upload am: 19.07.2023, 18:41 | 6,28 MB | 92 Downloads
Machine Learning 2 VO
pdfFragensammlung SS2022
Complete questions and answers from 32 preparation questions.
There were 18 of these questions on the exam.
If you prepare well for these questions the exam should be pretty straightforward.
0 ECs |
| Upload am: 05.07.2022, 19:17 | 4,89 MB | 206 Downloads | Version 2
Machine Learning 2 VO
pdfKlausurangabe 02.07.2021 12h take home exam
Due to Covid-19 there was a 12h exam offered.
It was allowed to use all lecture notes, books and the internet.
Also discussing results with colleagues was officially allowed.
Furthermore it was also allowed to use mathematical programs to compute exact solutions or solve matrix transformations.
However the way you get to your results has to be written down in a clear way.

Not allowed was plagiarism or just writing the result.
2 ECs |
| Upload am: 26.07.2021, 16:16 | 225,49 kB | 150 Downloads
Machine Learning 2 VO
Anzahl der angezeigten Dateien: 7 | Größe der gezeigten Dateien Gesamt: 19,87 MB
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